Your daily organizer...
Allows the user to schedule an unlimited number of appointments for several
physicians or other resources. Displays appointments as they would appear in most
standard appointment books. The user can display up to three schedules at once
(includes 'Zoom' feature). Automatically searches for appointments by name or date.
Main Window
Keep complete records of your patient files...
CareBook also allows complete access to the patient and doctor databases (used in
CareFiler and CareBiller) to simplify entering of patient information.
Patient File
Navigation made easy...
When selecting the day to display, the user may display the calender of any month
and choose the day by pointing at it. One can move forward or backward a day or
week at a time by pushing the appropriate key.
Monthly Calender
Keep a print out on your desk...
A print out of any day's schedule can be made and past appointments can be saved
online for up to 3 years. There is no limit to how far in the future appointments
may be scheduled.
Daily Printout